Watermelons are one of the favorite fruits of many people during summer period. The sweet, juicy flesh of a watermelon is usually deep red, with many black seeds, though there are some seedless species as well.
Watermelons are largely composed of a very sweet and tasty water which constitutes the delicious flesh of a watermelon. Therefore, although watermelons are seemingly in a solid state, they are mostly liquid. This is why watermelons are being one of the favorite foods during summer seasons. Watermelons provide people with the water they need during hot summer days.
It should not be a secret for those who like to eat watermelons under burning sun that cut and ready to eat watermelons are getting cooler once they are put on direct sunshine for a while. So, why this happens?
Of course, there is a scientific explanation for this cooling down process.
As we have already mentioned in the previous paragraphs, watermelons are mostly liquid. Almost 92 percent (92%) of watermelons are liquid. As we all know, the liquids evaporate if there is enough heat in the environment. So do watermelon cubes!
The liquid or juice inside the cut flesh of watermelon starts to evaporate as sunshine hits and heats the watermelon. While the liquid on watermelon evaporates, at the same time it absorbs the heat from watermelon. Consequently, the cut watermelon cubes get cooler as they lend their heat to the evaporating liquid.
Although the sunshine cannot create a refrigerator effect, watermelon cools down once it’s exposed to sunshine. As a result, the heat and sunshine makes the watermelon more delicious and cooler.
Watermelon is a healthy and nutritious food that have many other benefits for your body.